Date & Time
Tuesday, 8 November 2022 - 11:00am to Tuesday, 8 November 2022 - 12:00pm
Online via Zoom
Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication
Does your project include work created by others? Do you have questions about Creative Commons licenses and how to incorporate licensed works into your project? This session will introduce you to copyright basics for your OER project and take you through licensing considerations to insure that your work is reusable by others. Importantly it will also provide you with a simple workflow to help you identify and respect Creative Commons licensed works.
This session will cover:
- Copyright basics including how copyright is assigned to a work
- Rationale behind and purpose of open licenses
- Identifying the 6 Creative Commons licenses and know how to assign them to OER
- Applying Creative Commons licenses and ensure compatibility among the CC licensed works
If you have any questions, concerns, or accessibility needs please email
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