UBC Career Days

Date & Time

Wednesday, 4 October 2023 - 11:00am to Thursday, 5 October 2023 - 3:30pm


UBC Alumni Centre (6163 University Blvd)


UBC Career Centre


The UBC Career Centre is excited to bring back UBC's annual career fair in person. UBC Career Days is a two-day event that features over 90 employers from various industries, eager to engage with students and alumni to share career opportunities and insights.

Visit the UBC Career Centre website for a list of employers who will be attending Career Days.


Registration is not required; please let check in staff know that you are a postdoc upon arrival.

Event accessibility

To make Career Days more accessible for people who struggle with crowds and bright lights, doors will open at 10:30 am on both event days, 30 minutes before the official start time. During this 30-minute period, lighting will be dimmed, and staff will not be collecting student information for entry.

If you do not have sensitivity to crowds or bright lights, please wait until 11:00 am to attend the event. Email event staff at careers.days@ubc.ca if you have any questions or require disability-related accommodations.

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