Faculty of Medicine


Christopher Laver

As both a Fellow & biotech Founder at UBC, Dr. Laver leads a new type of R&D initiative within the UBC's School of Biomedical Engineering (SBME). Here, working in close collaboration with Maxwell Therapeutics Inc. (a UBC-incubated startup at SBME Innovation Hub), we are developing biotechnology that enables regeneration of multiple co-dependant retinal layers for the treatment of retinal degeneration.

Hao Yin

Hao is a post­doc­toral researcher in the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia. Hao’s research applies inter­dis­ci­pli­nary meth­ods combine epidemiological knowledge and economic valuation methods with high-resolution data to investigate the social costs of leading environmental risks. The results of her research provide economic justifications for policymakers to balance environmental conservation and economic development while advancing social equity and environmental sustainability.

Postdoc Research Associate in RNA biology

A postdoc fellowship position is available in Dr. Xuesen Dong’s lab (http://donglab.ca). Our research focuses on the mechanisms of therapy-resistant prostate cancers and the development of therapeutics to manage the disease (representative publications PMID: 32634132, 30910347, 27180064, 31819165). Ongoing projects include

A postdoc fellowship position is available in Dr. Xuesen Dong’s lab (http://donglab.ca). Our research focuses on the mechanisms of therapy-resistant prostate cancers and the development of therapeutics to manage the disease (representative publications PMID: 32634132, 30910347, 27180064, 31819165). Ongoing projects include

Sanne Janssen

The interplay between epigenetic marks during early mouse development, specifically focussing on epigenetic reprogramming in the early embryo in the context of developmental disorders and syndromes.

Sofia Bartlett

Dr. Sofia Bartlett is a postdoctoral research fellow in the clinical prevention services division at the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control and Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the University of British Columbia. She obtained her Doctorate degree (PhD) in Molecular Epidemiology at the Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. Her research focusses on improving the health of marginalised populations, such as people who inject drugs, people in prison, and people living with hepatitis C infection.