Photo credit: Martin Dee
Science engagement survey request: does what matters get measured? Does what’s measured matter?
UBC’s CHANS LAB would like to invite UBC grad students and postdocs to take a 10-15 minute survey that gets to the heart of what it means to be a scientist/researcher.
Whereas research outputs and impacts are receiving a great deal of attention, relatively little attention has been paid to the measurement of excellence in science engagement/outreach (which some argue is key to making science relevant and contribute to ‘a better world’).
A working group at the Global Young Academy is a launching a novel effort to understand how engagement is assessed in our jobs and how we perceive it. It also seeks to assess how these perceptions about engagement, measurement, and importance, differ between researchers and their managers/heads of department, etc.
Url for grad student and postdoc survey:
Please also SHARE this survey request with interested parties!
For more information, please see or contact Gerald Singh or Kai Chan