Killam Postdoctoral Fellow Research Prize recipient Hudson Reddon research evaluates how changes in cannabis access and use impact substance use trajectories during the opioid overdose crisis.

Research topic
Research Description
Following Canada's legalization of recreational cannabis use, there is active interest in how this regulatory framework will impact vulnerable groups such as people who use unregulated drugs and are living with substance use disorders. The objective of my research is to evaluate how changes in cannabis access and use impact substance use trajectories (e.g., injection drug use initiation, addiction treatment engagement) during the opioid overdose crisis. This evidence will be important for informing clinical and public health practice, as well as evaluating Canada’s public health framework for cannabis.
Why did you decide to pursue a postdoctoral fellowship at UBC? Did you consider other opportunities?
UBC was an ideal location to undertake this research based on the international reputation for excellence in substance use and addictions research. The existing research infrastructure and field leading experts at UBC and the BC Centre on Substance Use also offered an exceptional opportunity professional growth and development during my fellowship.
What specifically attracted you to your research group?
The opportunity to work with experts in substance use research was the primary motivator to working with this research group. Dr. M-J Milloy is UBC’s inaugural Canopy Growth Professor of Cannabis Science and leads observational research into the public health impact of cannabis regulation and the therapeutic applications of cannabis among people living with HIV or substance use disorders or at risk of overdose. Dr. Evan Wood is an internationally renowned expert in addiction medicine and has led the development of several clinical care guidelines for people who use drugs.
What advice do you have for new postdoctoral fellows?
I would recommend networking with other postdoctoral fellows through the university or other groups as professional and personal support during a fellowship. I would also emphasize prioritizing a healthy work-life balance and the outdoor activities available in Vancouver offer a fantastic outlet for this!
What do you like to do for fun?
My main hobbies involve enjoying the outdoors canoeing, skiing, biking and running. Being able to enjoy the outdoors year round during my fellowship has been an amazing perk!
What is the most enjoyable aspect of your postdoctoral fellowship?
The opportunity to be part of important research and work with people who are passionate about their field has been the most enjoyable aspect of my fellowship. The leadership and support of my research mentors and colleagues have created a positive and productive atmosphere throughout my time at UBC.
What does receiving this award mean for your career?
Receiving a Killam award is a great honour for emerging researchers. The award also offers recognition to the excellent networks of mentors and colleagues that support postdoctoral researchers at UBC. For me personally, receiving this award has been a source of motivation and inspiration to continue advancing my research work and professional growth.