The objective of the BC NEIHR Postdoctoral Fellowships program is to provide funding to Indigenous (First Nations, Métis or Inuit) postdoctoral applicants who wish to conduct research within a British Columbia (BC) host institution. Recipients of these fellowships demonstrate achievement in graduate studies, a research-intensive career pathway, as well as partnership potential with BC Indigenous communities, collectives and/or organizations (ICCOs).
The BC NEIHR launches a competition for Postdoctoral Fellowship(s) annually, however, there are limited number of fellowships (2-3 over 2025-2030 term). Should more funds become available, additional fellowships may be awarded. Recipients are invited to the Gathering for Indigenous Health Research (GIHR) with funded Indigenous graduate students as well as communities, collectives and organizations, where they present their work and speak about their participation in this Fellowship program.
• January 15: Call for Applications.
• January 15 – March 1st: Applicants seek endorsement from host institution to apply, prepare and submit application.
• March 15: Deadline for Application.
• June 15th: Notice of Decision.
• September 1st: If awarded, payments begin.
The BC NEIHR Postdoctoral Fellowships program emphasizes the synergy between:
• the applicant – their individual achievements and potential to launch a successful research-intensive career;
• the host institution – their commitment to the research program and alignment with the institution’s strategic priorities; and
• Indigenous communities, collectives and organizations (ICCOs) – the research is in partnership with an ICCO and is ideally initiated by that ICCO (not sought out by the applicant or their supervisor) and that the research advances Indigenous wellness.
Further Information
Application Procedures
Please refer to the BC NEIHR website for application procedures.
Eligibility Requirements
Please refer to the BC NEIHR website for eligibility requirements.
Evaluation Criteria
Please refer to the BC NEIHR website for evaluation criteria.