The LSRF award provides three (3) years of support to a named postdoctoral researcher at a non-profit university or research institution. The award is paid to the university or research institution where the researcher is carrying out their project and is solely for the benefit of the named researcher. It is not a gift or donation and should not be classified as such.
The award is $77,000 per year, disbursed by bank transfer in twelve quarterly payments of $19,250 to the university or research institution that is host to the awardee beginning on the activation date of August 1st. Each quarterly payment breaks down to $16,500 for salary and $2,750 for research allowance. The award payments are made to the host institution (for further distribution to the awardee). The salary level for all three years of the award is $66,000. If necessary the salary may be supplemented by the University of mentor to meet University stipend levels as long as LSRF remains the awardee’s main source of support. The awardee may not hold another postdoctoral fellowship award concurrent with the LSRF award and their salary may not be less than the LSRF stipend level. Acceptable supplementation sources include the mentor’s own grant(s), a departmental training grant, and general department, division or university funds. This is not a complete list and LSRF expects host institution officials to find suitable supplementation sources if needed.
An awardee may apply for supplemental funding, such as a meeting travel award, without jeopardizing their LSRF award status. We expect an awardee to spend the majority of their time and effort on their LSRF-supported project. This includes all activities that are part of a mentored postdoctoral experience including, but not limited to: participation in journal club, lab meeting, general lab chores, mentoring undergrad, graduate or summer students, organizing and participating in department conferences, reviewing manuscripts, lecturing or teaching. An awardee may receive additional compensation for lecturing, teaching or manuscript review without jeopardizing their LSRF award status. LSRF does not intend for compensation received for lecturing, teaching, reviewing manuscripts or grants to be a component of the awardee’s salary. An awardee may be paid above and beyond their existing salary/stipend for performing these services without jeopardizing their award status. We defer to the host institution’s policy in this matter.
Further Information
Application Procedures
Please refer to the LSRF website for application procedures.
Eligibility Requirements
Please refer to the LSRF website for eligibility requirements.
Evaluation Criteria
Please refer to the LSRF website for evaluation criteria.